Let me begin with an I-statement.
I am filled with anxiety about publishing this blog entry.
I am not worried about what you might say; I dread what you will think. But mostly I feel crazy because this bothers me so much!
Last summer when my newest crop of 2nd graders were simply a fantasy I began this blog. I had completed my first year of teaching, and I began the summer with a big fat TO-DO list.
You know the one.
The list of tasks that if completed prior to Open House will ensure that your school year will run perfectly smooth, organized, but most of all everything will be CUTE! 2014-15 was going to be the cutest year yet! It was going to be.........blog-worthy.
Then.....20 seven year olds moved in. Let me tell you a secret:
As we got busy learning how to regroup, tell time, use non-fiction text features, and take one and pass the stack down my ADORABLE classroom began to show signs of.......children. I never even took the time to take pictures before school started because my to-do list of awesomeness is still incomplete.
So it's February, ...and I am blogging to tell you why I haven't written since last summer.
My pictures aren't as cute as yours.
As hard as I try (refusing to leave anything on my kidney table each night) there are these ugly corners in my classroom that are simply not blog-worthy.
I have so many things I want to show you, but I can't because you might notice that messy bookshelf in the background.
I finally figured this out a few weeks ago and took the following pictures. These are the ugliest, messiest, and most lived-in and student loved sections of my classroom. These areas drive me NUTS daily....hourly......And keep me at school until late straightening and organizing. But, in order to free myself from the fear that someone might see these spots in an Instagram picture I am posting them here in all their glory for you to gawk at.
Maybe parts of your room make you feel the same way.
Unfinished Work Pouches-Can you not neatly stack those papers and shove them ALL THE WAY DOWN?
Those brooms and duster look super cute when hung properly. It would also help if I took my lunch container home.
No name.....hang it on the spelling cart.....
Student Favorite
Indoor Recess Shelf
This one is all me......
Just move that out of the way into another spot that will be in the way later.
Posters to be laminated and unused pocket charts on top of the cubbies. A student likes to shove his HW sheet in amongst those papers and claim he never got one.
No words and no excuses.
So there you have it. The parts of my room that I am mortified for you to see. Now that you have seen my room at it's worst I will show you my best.
This is the real truth and real talk about this teaching blog.